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EuroFabrique is a nomadic and international art project that invites the creative youth to collaboratively create and transmit their visions and creative narratives of the future of Europe. This experimental and interdisciplinarity format was initiated in 2022 by GrandPalaisRmn, the École des Arts Décoratifs Paris, and ANdÉA – French National Association of Public Art & Design Schools – as part of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union.

EuroFabrique is so far

  • > 588 students
  • > 59 European art schools
  • > 20 countries
  • > 28 contributions to the future of Europe

Must read

Explore some creative visions for futures of Europe

What’s next ?

This website is co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe program as part of the EuroFabrique Camps project.