Urgence Pazienza

Urgence Pazienza sounds like a Franco-Italian name and an oxymoron. It evokes the contradictory relationship to possible futures, between the urgency of ecological issues and contemporary political challenges and the long-term nature of democracy. This name appeared on letters sent by art students from L’Aquila to Annecy and from Annecy to L’Aquila exchanged before EuroFabrique. These letters carried messages and evolving works across the Alpine border, which were processed, interpreted, and activated by the students in the context of the territory where they arrived. At the Grand Palais Éphémère, an installation was built to host the meeting of the two student groups involved in this exchange. It evoked both a high mountain refuge, a shelter, and a negotiation table for ratifying a new treaty of a heterotopic community, already strangely conjugated to the future-perfect tense.





  • Experimental School of Art Annecy Alps

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  • The Academy of Fine Arts in L’Aquila

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