The project led by the Ecole du Théâtre National of Strasbourg, is a staged reading of the texts of “Le Grand tour”, written and published for France’s presidency of the European Union. It offers twenty seven texts written by twenty seven writers from the twenty seven countries which compose the European Union. Each text focuses on a place which recounts European history and identity. Coordinated by Olivier Guez, the collective work published by Grasset Editions, seeks to describe and write a European identity, to restore a common history (or at the least transversal and multiple), by giving voice to each country through its writers.
“As part of EuroFabrique, we shall select some of these texts or extracts from these, and will link them during a reading by four readers from the Ecole du TNS. This will be an opportunity to question us, young actors or directors, on our own relationship to this elusive identity, because multiple and recent. Identity, which is ours as Europeans. Through this work, our aim is to identify, if not a common voice at least one voice/way from which we can start to write the rest of the European story. The days at the Grand Palais Éphémère will provide the time to edit and voice these texts, thus drawing our trajectory within this/these story/s, making them ours, in order to be as one the time of an event. We also aim to question ourselves, and to make our interventions a never ending and open question: How and when may I say: I am European?
Ecole du TNS
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